DTS Table Level Overview
This application provides an overall picture of the transformation for an individual table. You can open the application by double-clicking the cell with the table name. This is possible in all DTS steps with the Table name column in the ALV grids.
The displayed screen is split into the following parts, which are explained in more detail below:
General overview
Technical settings
Filtering/conversion information
Transformation information
The application bar provides the following functions:
SE11 (F5): Executes transaction SE11 for the displayed table
General overview: This section shows selected data from the SAP repository for the chosen table. Not all the following attributes are available for all scenarios:
Table name: Displays the technical name of the chosen table.
Comment: Displays the short description from the table pool. You can change this description in the step Maintain table pool.
Comment display: Displays the description in a separate window. This makes sense in case the description text is longer than the available field.
Short description: Displays the SAP repository table description.
Parameters visible for run IDs with InfoProvider: Displays the name of the BW InfoProvider. Only visible for run IDs created as a BW application.
Package: Displays the SAP repository development package where the table was implemented.
Component ID: Displays the SAP application component where the table was implemented.
Table category: Displays the type of the technical implementation of the table on the database. See the F1 help for more details.
Technical settings: This section shows the chosen table execution strategy setup. For more information, see the step Maintain technical settings. To open the application for maintaining technical settings, click Technical settings maintenance (F8) in the toolbar.
Filtering/conversion information: This section shows the business object assignments to the table field together with the WHERE condition (defined at the table level). It also shows flags indicating if and how the table is filtered, i.e. preselection filtering, filtering by rule or filtering by full load (no filtering, full table is read).
For more information about the meanings of the columns, see the chapter Assign Filtering Rules and Business Objects. To open the application for maintaining filtering rules, click Rule and business object assignments (F7) in the toolbar.
Transformation information: This section shows details of the tasks generated for the table as well as the execution statuses of the tasks.
For more information about the meanings of the columns, see the chapter Execute and Monitor Transformation. To open the application for executing and monitoring the transformation, click Transformation monitor (Shift+F1) in the toolbar.